British Values
At Fairfield Primary School we uphold, promote, teach and reinforce the following fundamental British Values:
Democracy Rule of law Individual liberty Mutual respect Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
These values are embedded throughout all aspects of our broad and balanced curriculum. They are actively promoted through assemblies and collective acts of worship in our classes and are taught explicitly through Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and Religious Education (RE) lessons.
Democracy (Pupil voice):
- Have elections for School Council representatives which are undertaken in each
- Pupil voices are heard by voting within Class Council meetings and the School
- School council vote in Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Chair
- Class Promises created, drafted and displayed to enforce shared morals
- Eco committee and reading advocates across One representative from each class.
- Encourage children to voice their views in questionnaires/learning walks
- EYFS to make choices voting for “reading book, questions on chalkboard”
- Debating Club-
- Encourage everyone to value each other’s opinions and values.
- Child led learning – deciding on areas within topic to explore
- Learning Challenge Curriculum – children led questions
- Learning Logs/ Home Learning Diaries
- We provide activities that involve turn-taking, sharing and collaboration
- We give pupils opportunities to develop enquiring minds by creating an atmosphere where all questions are valued
- CAP’s – children are involved in on-going discussion about their targets developing pupil
- Values desired and expectations set out in each year group through a parent booklet
- Class vote for reward when they have achieved 10 weeks of full attendance.
The Rules of Law (Understanding why):
- Ensure that pupils understand their own and others’ behaviour and its consequences, helping them to distinguish right from wrong
- Have visits from authorities – Police, Firefighters to reinforce the importance of Laws.
- Promote positive behaviour throughout the school –use of behaviour system (Class Rules, 2%er stickers and post cards of praise)
- Children understand and uphold our three school rules: Ready, Respectful and Safe and the rules of our society.
- Bikeability, Learning to cross the road, Road safety
- Walk to School Weeks
- Water Safety (swimming)
- E Safety sessions, Crucial Crew
- Life caravan – promoting health and lifestyle
- Anti-bullying/ healthy living
- Fairfield Newspaper – each term undertaken and created by children
Individual Liberty :
- Provide our children with a safe and supportive environment in which to make choices
- Provide opportunities for pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence in their own abilities, for example, through allowing children to take risks and talking about their experiences and learning
- Endorse E-Safety
- Have a PSHE Curriculum (Coram Education)
- Encourage a range of experiences that allow pupils to explore the language of feelings and responsibility, reflect on their differences and understand everyone is free to have different opinions
- Offer a variety of extra-curricular activities and opportunities
- Children’s University and graduation
- Christmas Performances
- Children learning musical instruments
- Musical Performance (I’m An 11-Year-Old…Get Me Out Of Here!)
- Giving time for reflection – reflection tables in classrooms
- E-safety officers
- Value Victor ambassadors
- Peer Massage
- Collective Reflection
- Library Sessions, use of new reading areas like the reading sheds and new school library
- Visits and community visitors
- Play Leaders to develop and support in school in KS1
Mutual Respect & Tolerance of those of different Faiths and Beliefs:
- Participate in collective reflection - Assemblies themes
- Have visits from Religious leaders, charities, family members, friends, sportsmen and sportswomen
- Visit different schools and link with their children to communicate to link with a different region
- Respect and learning through French Curriculum, Music and Art curriculum, Art specialist (Jill Taylor) and events
- Praise/celebration and year group assemblies
- RE Curriculum/ People, Cultures and Communities (EYFS Early Learning Goals)
- Interfaith Week- November
- PSHE Curriculum with exemplification on the school website
- Regular messages to promote respect through the Parent App, texts and Twitter feed
- Instill good manners including at lunchtimes, buddies and play leads to lead by example and to role model
- Model manners, tolerance and respect from all adults, visitors and expectations form children
- Fairfield School values of the week displayed in classrooms and corridors, ‘Values Victor’ ambassadors in Year 4 promote and celebrate examples of respect from their peers with stickers.
- KS2 to participate in the Liverpool Eurovision celebration 2023 and the Anti-bullying Alliance at Liverpool Cathedral through the choir and signing choir
- Liverpool Signing Choir participation and events
- Charity days: Red nose, Widnes Food bank, Children in Need, Sports Relief and food bags.